Sneak on minecraft tablet
Sneak on minecraft tablet

sneak on minecraft tablet

Example: Typing /spawn horse ~ ~ ~ will cause a horse to appear near your character. Type /summon creaturename x y z into the console. Tip: replace peaceful with easy, normal or hard to make enemies hostile again.

sneak on minecraft tablet

Type /difficulty peaceful into the console. Tip: Replace x with 0 for dawn, 6000 for day, 12000 for sunset, or 18000 for the middle of the night. Rain, thunder, and snow are other options. Example: /weather clear will change the weather to clear. Type /weather weathertype into the console. Type /tp playername differentplayername into the console. Teleport any character to the location of another character Type /tp playername x y z into the console. Example: /setblock ~ ~ ~+1 diamond_ore will set a block of diamond ore right next to you! Type /setblock x y z block_type into the console.

Sneak on minecraft tablet